We are a truly blessed, lucky, and fortunate family in many ways. And because we are blessed, so is Shyla. For one thing, Shyla has fantastic god-parents: Dan and Erin.
Let's talk about Dan. Dan (a.k.a Digital Dan Francisco Carrillo Gunning III) went to high school with me and Stevie and we have such great memories from that time. Memories include lunch with Dan day...traveling to football games...infamous red cups..."that kid" in our english class (who was he?)...skiing at Sunrise and conquering the vanilla cake...the aunt and uncle who aren't really my aunt and uncle...dipping bad fortunes in the terriaki sauce...pretty much everything that happened in Mr. Harper's class, and Mr. Wykoff's class...and the list goes on and on. And on.
For college, Didge went away to University of San Diego where he quickly met the most wonderful woman in the world: Erin.
Let's talk about Erin. Erin is amazing ...caring ...beautiful ...determined ...funny ...compassionate ... friendly ...understanding ...and just a good person.
As you blog followers (all 3 of you) know, Dan and Erin were married in San Diego in October. Stevie was Dan's best-man (just as Dan was his) and they had a truly awesome wedding. It was romantic, fun, and beautiful.
Erin and I have a lot in common and I feel that we grow closer with every email, every visit, and every blog-update (still waiting their unnamed blog to come...). We have lots to bond over!
We told Dan and Erin that we wanted them to be Shyla's god-parents because we think they are the bee's knees (a metaphor that isn't used nearly enough). To elaborate, we want them to be her god-parents because we know that they will be very involved in her life, they will lead by great example, and we already think of them as family as it is.

Anyway, the Gunnings (I still like the sound of that!) came over the weekend after Christmas for a visit. Shyla was sleeping when they got there but she woke up
to play, to open the really generous present that they bought her (this Christmas was all about the wrapping paper though), and to throw up on Erin a little bit.
We look forward to many happy memories to come with Dan and Erin. I'm in the process of trying to arrange a visit to SD during my Spring Break but with my husband going to Vegas for March Madness, it could be hard to fit in. But if we make it, I do expect some Kendra/Erin time...
Didge and Erin - thank you for being amazing friends and for being such an important part of Shyla's life. She is SO luck to have you!
Didge - I hope I sufficiently used groups of three for you.