I had quite a week and am looking forward to a new one and starting fresh today!
You are cordially invited to my pity party for a few minutes as I explain:
MONDAY, 4:30 PM:
Shyla sees a new pediatric ENT. Her ears look good but based on her ear infection history he recommends tubes. We take his first available appointment which is September 2nd.
Shyla wakes up screaming. She is up screaming until 3:00 AM. I have written sub-plans and called in sick, suspecting an ear infection.
Stevie leaves for Indianapolis for work, leaving me with a screaming baby.
Dr. Vondrak confirms by suspicions and diagnoses Shyla right ear as "badly infected; looking like a blister that is about to pop." He puts her back on antibiotics (Augmentin).
(Thankfully, I was able to contact the ENT office and they have made special arrangements to get her in before September.)

Shyla had a good day back at daycare. I picked her up at 3:45 and we hustled home. The plan was for Grandma Palmer to come over and babysit Shyla so I could go to spin class (this was set to be the first of a Thursday evening routine).
Upon arriving home, we discover that Pancake is missing!! She has chewed a hole in the gate and is no where to be found. We run around the neighborhood screaming for her like crazy people. Grandma Palmer leaves work early and drives the neighborhood looking for her. I am hysterical. I can barely talk to the dispatcher at Animal Control. And, remember, Stevie is out of town on business. I call him, screaming and crying, knowing full-well that there is nothing he can do.
About an hour later, thankfully, Pancake showed back up with her tail between her legs. Scared. And thirsty.
We will never know where she went or what she did that day, but I love that damn dog.
Grandpa Palmer comes over and fixes the gate so she won't escape again. I pop a gourmet pizza in the oven and instead of burning 600 calories, I ate that many.
Ahhh, the week has ended. Stevie is home. I am ready to relax with my family and rest. Except as I walk into the house I am hit by a wave of hot air. Yep, Friday afternoon and our A/C unit is not working. I start sweating immediately.
We head over to Grandma and Grandpa's house to spend the night with the A/C. Stevie gets us settled then goes back home (to the sweatbox) to spend the night with Pancake. We love that damn dog.

Thankfully, the A/C unit was fixed on Saturday. $120 is a small price to pay for serve on a Saturday.
Oh, and a big Happy Birthday to Grandma Palmer. Thank you for spending your birthday weekend taking care of us!
Here's to a great week ahead!