Happy Halloween!
Today is officially Halloween, but our celebration started days ago. It's been both fun and exhausting and this was really the first year that Shyla understood Halloween; I also think it is the last year that she will let me choose her costume, and I took full advantage of that.
The festivities began last Thursday night with the Fall Festival/Literacy Night at Shyla's school! There was trick-or-treating, story-time and free books(!), and of course a jumping castle! Kids could go in either their jammies or their costumes. Shyla attended in her jammies! Zac attended in his costume: Zackary Yager.

However, for actual dress-up I dressed both my girls up as a Care Bear this year. And I made their costumes. For under $20 I made a Love-A-Lot Bear for Shyla and a Cheer-Bear for Harper and a new candy bag for Shyla (sorry, Harpey, no candy bag for you!)
On Saturday night we went trick-or-treating at La Encantada Mall with some of our really good friends. Here is Shyla's costume:

Flash forward to today, Halloween day. Monday is a school day for Shyla and the kids could dress-up but I thought her Care Bear costume would be too warm for our 90 degree temperatures (apologies to anyone on the east coast, although I don't think I have any readers from there). So, she wore Lilly's old UA Cheer Outfit (see below).
I spent a lot of time preparing food today. I made cake-pops that look like eyeballs, spider crackers, jack-o-lantern crackers (for Shy's school party), and cake-pops with black and orange sprinkles.

Then tonight we did our annual "block party" at my parents cul-de-sac. It seems as if it's growing every year and it's a lot of fun. They don't get many trick-or-treaters but they do have some "regulars." Aunt Holly, Michelle, and Isla joined us this year and Isla wore a giraffe costume that Shyla wore for her 1st Halloween: