We just got back from Spring Break vacation on Coronado Island! It was, like all of our vacations, a blast and we are exhausted from it!
The girls and I, with my mom, left early Wednesday morning and made the drive to Coronado. That afternoon, Stevie flew to Vegas for March Madness. Once we got there and got settled, we walked to the playground near Dog Park and played for a while.
The next day, Thursday, my dad made the drive all by himself while the girls and Mom and I made our way to another playground near the bridge. To get to this one we parked at the Ferry Landing and walked. It's not a super long walk but Harper pretty much refuses the stroller (I remember Shyla did the same thing at that age) so it took a long time. As you can see, we were appropriately dressed in our UofA gear to root on our basketball team at The Big Dance!

On Friday, all 5 of us took the Ferry across the Bay to San Diego and after a really long walk thanks to construction, my negative sense of direction, and lack of internet, we made our way to the expo for the Hot Chocolate Run (the initial reason for our trip)! While there we enjoyed some delicious hot chocolate and marshmallows. However, in true P fashion, my dad allowed the girls to eat some of the decorative marshmallows and when the volunteer ran after them to have the girls spit it out, Shyla misinterpreted that for being in trouble and, as she does, she lost it completely. Thus we began our walk back to the Ferry Landing.
We enjoyed lots of playtime at Star Park which is a stone's throw from the house. My girls are SO active and they are happiest when they are running in the fresh air.
Another reason we love the San Diego area is because that's where Dan and Erin live! Thursday night they came over for dinner and Shyla made pretend pudding for everybody. That led Erin to graciously bring over real pudding mix for Shyla on Friday evening. The two of them worked together to make delicious chocolate, banana, and pistachio pudding. The reason it was so good was probably that they counted to one-million while stirring.
The activity for Saturday morning was a walk along the beach (again, no stroller for Harper) followed by a surry bike ride. Yep, we fit my mom, dad, AND me in the back of that thing! My dad and I peddled but only he had control of the steering wheel which was ... comical. Sadly, Shyla didn't have the best behavior during the ride so she and I had to cut it short and walk home while Harper got to continue the ride and get some playground time in with Grandma and Grandpa.
Saturday afternoon the rest of the troops arrived! Chelsea, Mike, and the kids got in around 4ish and Stevie got in after that. We spent that afternoon watching the UA game and trying to keep the kids from falling down the stairs.
Sunday, amongst other things, we went to Orange Sparkles Park (named by Shyla because it is actually Spreckles Park and it's located on Orange Ave). We played on the playground, rode in the wagon, and had a little picnic.
Later that day, with Dan and Erin back for more chaos, we had some unprepared beach time! The kids loved it, until they got really cold.
And we always love our time with Dan and Erin!
Mom and Dad left Monday morning for Tucson. Chelsea and her family left Monday afternoon for Anaheim, after a bout with food-poisoning delayed their departure a bit. So the Forgacs 4 headed back to the beach, this time with swimsuits and fresh clothes.
It was a whirlwind of a trip but a blast! We are so fortunate to be able to stay with our family in one big house, and also fortunate that we
want to do such a thing. We already can't wait to go back!