Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Shyla turns Three!

It is so hard to believe that Shyla is three years old!  In some ways, she seems like such a baby still: when she wants to be snuggled, when she cries out of sheer exhaustion (oh wait, I do that too!), and when I peak in on her while she's sleeping.  But in other ways she seems like such a big-girl: when she rocks her own baby, when she tells Harper not to cry because, "it's okay, baby Harper" and when I notice how much of her crib she now takes up.

To celebrate, we had a family birthday breakfast on her actual birthday.  Grandma Barbara brought over a Blueberry Coffee Cake and all the cousins had lots of playtime together.

Stevie was in Chicago for a wedding so he missed the breakfast but after nap we picked him up at the airport and headed to my favorite Pita Jungle for a birthday dinner with Daddy.  Of course, Shyla got a yummy dessert to celebrate.

And then the past weekend we continued the celebration with a birthday bash at my parents house!  Of course we had to have a jumping castle, because that's truly all that Shyla really wanted!

It's been an amazing three years watching Shyla grow and learn and make us laugh!  We tried really hard to make her birthday special and we think it was!  Thank you to everyone who participated, helped, and celebrated with us!


Chelsea said...

Sure has been an amazing 3 years. Love you Shyla May!!!

Your Mom said...

Love you soooo much sweet Shyla! Your are growing into such a big girl...but will always be my baby granddaughter still!!

Jeannette said...

Looks like it was a wonderful (extended) celebration of a wonderful little girl! :)

Erin = ) said...

I can't believe she's 3 years old...and we were so sad to miss her party =( I love the picture of Harper in the high chair at Pita Jungle - that is hilarious! I swear it feels like just yesterday we were holding sweet brand new baby Shyla for the first time...such great memories and so many more to come, big girl!