Monday, July 30, 2012

WW 7-30-12

I've been back at work for three weeks which is why there hasn't been a Weight Watchers update post in that long.  I have, however, been religiously attending my Monday night meeting and thus getting my "me-time" as well.
I am still loving this meeting and this leader!  JoAnn joined when her two boys were 1 and 3, although she was only 25 at the time.  My girls are 1 and 3, so here I am at 29; determined that this will be the last time I join WW.  I am determined to win the wager with my dad, make it to lifetime, and then continue attending weekly and never look back.
So here are the updates from the last 3 weeks:
July 16: down 2.8 pounds
July 23: down 3.0 pounds
July 30: down 1.8 pounds
This totals 7.6 pounds in 3 weeks and I am super stoked about that!  I am also really hoping I can keep it up!

Being back at work really keeps me on a schedule.  This is what I have been doing and, as you can see, it's working:

  • 5:30AM Breakfast (Egg White omelet for 4 points)
  • 9:40AM Snack (yogurt and apple for 2 points)
  • 12:50PM Lunch (sandwich, pretzels, diet coke for 10 points)
  • 3:00PM Snack (pudding and banana for 2 points)
  • 5:30PM Sensible Dinner (varies, but since I've allowed myself 11 points, I don't feel the need to track it specifically)
The best parts are that I am eating real food, I don't feel hungry or malnourished, and I've lost my cravings for sugary foods.  I am fine eating the same thing each day because it takes all the thought out of it!  Then the flexibility I've allowed myself with dinner really helps and I can easily mix it up.  My coworkers are supportive and I don't mind talking about it and my hubby has been the most supportive of anyone!


Your Mom said...

Great job KPF!! You are looking more and more healthy....keep up the good work; you inspire me!

Erin =) said...

Woohooo!!!! You are doing SO AWESOME, Kendra, and I am so proud of you =) Keep it up - and I echo your Mom that you totally inspire me!