Friday, December 14, 2012


We knew we would be taking the girls to see Santa at the mall the day we returned from Vegas.  So, in preparation, we talked about it for weeks!  Shyla was so excited!  She even picked out a ridiculous beautiful dress to wear for the special occasion.

But ... as per usual once we arrived she clammed up and wouldn't go near him!

Harper was okay.  A little weary.  But also a little curious about his big white beard.  

Eventually we convinced Shyla to walk over toward him, this was the best picture we got:

Then last night we attended Harper's holiday performance at her school.  There will be a separate post about that cuteness.  But Santa showed up there too!  After waiting in line to see him, Shyla ran right up to him, jumped on his lap, and had this brief conversation:
SANTA:  How old are you?
SHYLA: This many. {holding up 3 fingers}
SANTA: Tell me two things you'd like for Christmas.
SHYLA: A candy cane (pronounced "can") and a plunger for Harpey.
SANTA:  Well, here is a candy cane. 

And then it was Sadie's turn!  She loves Santa!  It makes me so happy to know that she is growing up with my girls and she's going to have a baby sister to take care of too!


Your Mom said...

Drat! Santa must have been all out of plungers for our budding plumber!!

Erin =) said...

So precious! Love the sweet pigtails, too!