Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Harper's 15 month Well-Check

Last Friday we took Harper to see Dr. Terry for her 15 month well-check.  She is doing great, as we knew!  She is in the 75th percentile for height, 25th percentile for weight, and 50th percentile for head circumference.

She got a whole bunch of shots, and we decided to get Shyla's flu shot while we were there.  Shyla was literally excited for her shot!  It was kind of really weird!

Harper's current favorite foods are bananas, anything in a squeeze pouch, milk, gold fish crackers, and anything Shyla has. She is also loving the amoxicillin she's on.

She is sleeping well and crawling on (and in, as you can see) everything!  (Yes, that is the dryer.  Yes, I stood right by and watched her do it.  Yes, we are always making sure the dryer is closed when we aren't using it.)
Her favorite things to play with are baby dolls, purses, anything kitchen related, and anything Shyla is playing with.  She is quite the suzy-home-maker.  The other day I literally had to pry a doll out of her hands so we could leave daycare.

She wakes up happy each morning and immediately wants to make the rounds to check on everybody. She is too young to be really talking but I do hear "mama" and "pancake" and I think I even heard "backpack."

She is a doll and a lot of fun and we just love her!


Your Mom said...

Ditto! She is the cherry on our family sundae!! Love her so much!

Erin =) said...

Oh, that cute munchkin! I need to see her soon!