Sunday, October 14, 2012

Training for Vegas: Week 6

Wahoo!  A week that I am really proud of!  You will notice that I exceeded the number of miles for the week and I even completed a 5K race (with a PR!) during the appropriate week.

And actually, Friday's 5 miles was truly over 6.  My Nike+ doesn't seem to be working well lately.  That run was at Sabino Canyon - I went all the way to stop 8 and looked up the distance when I got home.

It is back to work tomorrow so hopefully I will be able to keep the running going.  I am doing another 5K this Wednesday evening to benefit the son of a co-worker who was in a horrific rock-slide in the Grand Canyon.

This also marks the half-way point to the half-marathon!


Your Mom said...

Awesome work!!

Erin =) said...

Way to go, Kendra! Keep it up!!