Monday, December 14, 2009

Our Annual Fight

As many of you know, Stevie and I don't fight very often. We usually agree with each other; either that or he just usually gives in.
However every year we got through a Christmas Tree fight! I, being the one who vacuums the pine needles from the carpet, would like to buy a fake tree. Stevie, on the other hand, loves the tradition of picking the tree out and, apparently, spending $30 every year.

See...he really gets excited and giddy to pick out said tree.

YES! The perfect tree. Perfectly plucked from the hundreds of recently slaughtered trees.

Still excited, yet struggling, to load said slaughtered tree on the car.

This is how excited I was to pick out said slaughtered tree.

And Shyla...looking cute and also enjoying the tree experience.

See ya next year for our next fight!


The Yager Family said...

I think you guys should fight more often - they are pretty much really fun to read about!!!
Speaking of that, I couldn't believe all of the awful things Stevie was saying about you yesterday. How do you put up with that?

Your MOM said...

I think scheduling the annual tree fight is a great tradition! I told Stevie your car looked like a chia pet with the sprouted slaughtered tree atop!

Gabi said...

hahahaha hilarious!! BUT I do have to agree with Stevie on this one! REAL TREES ALL THE WAY!!! love you ;)