Friday, December 28, 2012

Forgacs Family Photobook 2012 - Ugh.

At the end of every year I print our yearbook, cleverly titled Forgacs Family Photobook from my favorite website: Shutterfly.

2012, however, has been my most disorganized year.  That's the reason for the "ugh" in the title. 

Most years I have updated the book at the end of each month so I can easily recall the big and (more importantly) little moments from the month.  I like to write a little blurb to accompany each month's entry and most years leave me feeling restricted by the 100 page limit (which, coincidentally, I don't think exists anymore!)

This year, after returning to work (unhappily) in January - I just couldn't do it.  The yearbook is still of utmost importance to me, but I couldn't drag myself away from my girls to keep it updated.  And, I also couldn't stay awake after they went to sleep to update it.  Thus I found myself at the end of the year staring at a very incomplete book.

I am seriously bummed about this.  But, I'm also trying to give myself adequate credit for everything I did do over that past 12 months.

I was also thrilled to use Shutterfly's Storyboard for the first time which made it possible for me to complete our 2012 book in a timely manner!  This was a super cool addition to what Shutterfly already does really well!  Great for busy people!  Although I am motivated to produce a better 2013 book, one that I will update monthly, but I am also proud of my 2012 book once I consider everything else that was going on in our lives.

So without further ado, I present to you the best 2012 book I could do (click on link):
Forgacs Family Photobook 2012


Your Mom said...

I think it is perfect!

Erin =) said...

L-o-v-e it! Shutterfly is the best and I love the annual book. Don't be so hard on yourself - the book turned out great and all the life that is contained in those pictures is proof enough of what an amazing year you had! I'm only up to August in my annual book...holy moly, I've got a ways to go before ordering!