Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Eve 2013

After arriving back from Pinetop around 2PM or so, we headed over to Auntie Chelsea's house at 4:30PM for a Christmas Eve dinner.  We had yummy lasagna and lots of good conversation with family (including a convo about why we should all eat brains ... no thank you!)

The kids opened their (now) annual Christmas Eve Box which contained new jammies for each, marshmallows for hot cocoa, and a beautiful version of the book Twas the Night Before Christmas.

They put on the jammies and Harper spilled her cocoa on them within about 3 sips.  Then, as the night went on - it was too loud and rowdy to read the book.  That was a bummer, but it was still a fin evening!

Then at home (late!) we got Harper to sleep then Shyla and I got the goodies ready for Santa and the Reindeer.  I had already made brownies (I'm a regular day Betty Crocker) so we set them out with a mug of milk and some carrots.

Up next - Christmas Day 2013!


Your Mom said...

It was a wonderful Christmas Eve...Thanks Chelsea and Mike for hosting a great time (and flavorful!)...Christmas excitement!

Erin =) said...

Looks like Shyla sampled the Santa girl!