Thursday, July 7, 2011

Library Storytime

Yesterday Shyla and I went to Toddler Storytime at the Bear Canyon Library. She was a little unsure at first but once Mr. Bill got started with the stories (I think he read three) and he songs (I think there were two....and then Happy Birthday to all July birthdays) she warmed up to it and seemed to really enjoy herself.

I'm wishing we had started going at the beginning of the summer, but hopefully we will be able to go with Harper while I'm on maternity leave. We shall see.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Michael and Spencer go to our story time every Tuesday morning. They've been doing that for close to 2 years. Every once in a while, when I'm not working on a Tuesday, I will go too. The lady who does the story time drives me BONKERS. I am so glad I don't have to go every week. But your Mr. Bill sounds very nice. I hope you keep going. Tell me how it works with a newborn/infant for my own knowledge.