Tuesday, March 29, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 9

30 Day Challenge - Day 9 - A Picture of the Person who has gotten you through the Most

That was easy! My mama!


Chelsea said...

You're kinda stealing my answers, sis. you know, for the blogging challenge that I'm not (yet) doing.

Tess said...

Haha I agree with Chelsea =) Not that we have the same momma..but..well you know what I mean ;) And that is if I ever get around to doing the challenge...

J said...

Aww, what a good answer! I miss your mama. She's gotten me through a lot too. Love you, Robin! :)

Erin = ) said...

Awww, I love that Mama, too! Like I say, the Palmer women are quite a team!

Your Mom said...

Aww I am blushing! Secret is surround yourself with strong wonderful daughters (and "adopted" daughters like Jeannette and Erin!)then brainwash them into thinking that you actually are "helping" (when they actually have it in them all along!).